tween quake is an annual literary event created to support literacy for young adolescents in the San Francisco Bay area. The materials in this collection are written by authors that have strong connections to the bay area, whether they were born and bred or transplanted here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


This sweet and heart-warming little fantasy from the prolific and award-winning science fiction writer, Ursula K. LeGuin, is a classic. The cats in her four-book series beginning with Catwings, were all born with wings- a fact that their mother, Mrs. Jane Tabby just couldn’t explain. She had an idea though- since their neighborhood had become rough and quite dangerous, she speculated that the wings would serve to take them away from there. And take them away, they did. They helped protect little Harriet from being lunch for a mean and angry dog. After Mrs. Jane Tabby learned that her children could indeed fly, she sent them away to live a better life outside of the dangerous neighborhood. The children do find a better life in the country- food is more plentiful than in the city, but it’s  not without it’s own dangers. Each book contains short chapters for easy reading and lush color illustrations by S.D. Schindler to enrich the reading experience. I would recommend the book and series to young tweens up to age 10, especially if they are animal lovers.

Further reading in the series:
Catwings Return
Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings
Jane on Her Own: A Catwings Tale

LeGuin, U.K. (1988). Catwings. New York: Orchard Books. 39 pages. ISBN: 978-0-53108-359-8.
Ages 7-10

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