tween quake is an annual literary event created to support literacy for young adolescents in the San Francisco Bay area. The materials in this collection are written by authors that have strong connections to the bay area, whether they were born and bred or transplanted here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Although the story has many of the hallmarks of traditional fairytales and children’s stories- the orphan, an eerie prophecy, and a very dark and spooky woods, this is a highly original, engaging story. The orphan in question is one Annie Trewitt and she lives with her aunt and uncle in Howland- a place where darkness falls fast, one minute it’s light out, the next it’s pitch black. The residents of Howland live in constant fear of the kinderstalk, which are described as large black creatures that prey on townsfolk, their children, and livestock. When she over hears her aunt and uncle discussing a plot to turn her over to the kinderstalk as a sacrifice, she devises her escape. Accompanied by her cats Isadore and Prue, Annie makes her way into the woods, away from her evil aunt and uncle, and toward something more dangerous than she could ever  imagine. This coming of age story is about bravery and looking inside oneself for the answers we should all rely on- our instincts. I would highly recommend this selection to fans of Avi and Allie Condie’s Matched. This is Ms. Breen’s first and only novel for adolescent audiences- a sequel is in the works.

Breen, M.E. (2009). Darkwood. New York: Bloomsbury. 273 pages. ISBN: 978-1-599-90259-3.
Ages 11+

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