An evening with M.E. Breen, author of Darkwood.
Come and join M.E. Breen, author of Darkwood as she reads from her first novel, discusses her writing process, and the upcoming sequel to Darkwood.
Come and join M.E. Breen, author of Darkwood as she reads from her first novel, discusses her writing process, and the upcoming sequel to Darkwood.
Playing dress up with Blake Nelson, author of Gender Blender
Come and join the author of Gender Blender as he shares tips and tricks of writing for young adolescents as well as the authors that inspired him when he was young. Snacks and beverages will be served. At the end of the event, there will be a cross dressing fashion show complete with prizes for the most creative and fashionable costumes.
Come and join the author of Gender Blender as he shares tips and tricks of writing for young adolescents as well as the authors that inspired him when he was young. Snacks and beverages will be served. At the end of the event, there will be a cross dressing fashion show complete with prizes for the most creative and fashionable costumes.
Read along book group
Come and join your favorite youth librarians as they read their favorite excerpts from Gennifer Choldenko's historical tale of life on Alcatraz, Al Capone Does My Shirts and Al Capone Shines My Shoes. If you haven't read the stories, never fear for the librarians will summarize the stories before hand and there will be plenty of time for discussion and snacks afterward.
Read along book group
Come and join your not so favorite youth librarians as they read selections from Lemony Snickett’s, The Bad Beginning. If you haven't read the tale, never fear, as we will summarize the story before hand and serve snacks and beverages while we watch the full length motion picture afterward.
Come and join your favorite youth librarians as they read their favorite excerpts from Gennifer Choldenko's historical tale of life on Alcatraz, Al Capone Does My Shirts and Al Capone Shines My Shoes. If you haven't read the stories, never fear for the librarians will summarize the stories before hand and there will be plenty of time for discussion and snacks afterward.
Read along book group
Come and join your not so favorite youth librarians as they read selections from Lemony Snickett’s, The Bad Beginning. If you haven't read the tale, never fear, as we will summarize the story before hand and serve snacks and beverages while we watch the full length motion picture afterward.
Write your own story, Illustrate your own story
Come and join the author Jennifer Holm and her illustrator brother Matthew Holm of Babymouse fame in an event of a lifetime. In the first part of the event, Jennifer will discuss creating a memorable character and writing a story to suit them. In the second half, her brother will help you create illustrations to bring your character and story to life. Please register for this event ASAP as space is limited.
Come and join the author Jennifer Holm and her illustrator brother Matthew Holm of Babymouse fame in an event of a lifetime. In the first part of the event, Jennifer will discuss creating a memorable character and writing a story to suit them. In the second half, her brother will help you create illustrations to bring your character and story to life. Please register for this event ASAP as space is limited.
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